Recording Studio

The extraordinary recording studio in town since 2011
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  • Prepare Your Multitrack

    When you send your files, please provide us with as many mix notes as possible regarding production, mixing effects and reference links to songs you'd like the mix to emulate. We require WAV or AIRFF files (44.1, 48, 88.2 or 96KHz). These should be bounced from bar one and all be the same length and the same sample rate. (Please note : Vocal tuning is not including in all the package)

  • Production Mixing Effect

    We ask that you please supply multi-track files dry, without reverb or effects. But, if you feel that a specific effect, processing or creative element (filter sweeps, delays etc.) is an integral part of the sound then please provide a clearly labelled ‘dry safety’ version of your track with-in your ‘Reference Audio Folder’ when you submit your project (Any audio in this folder won’t be counted as an additional track).

  • Revisions

    Our online mixing package includes one revision. For example, minor tweaks to the balance and effects used within the mix.

  • Microphone

    -Bruner VM1
    -Neumann U87
    -AKG C414 XLII
    -Stam C800G
    -JZ V47
    -Numeann KM 184 x2

  • Console & Monitoring

    -SSL Nuclues
    -Focal Trio6
    -Adam A7x

    -Apogee Symphony
    -AVID Carbon
    -Trinnov Nova

    -HearBack Pro Headphone Monitoring

  • Preamp & Dynamics

    -Neve 1073dpx
    -Universal Audio LA-610MKII
    -Focusrite Octo Pre (8ch)
    -SSL SuperAnalogueTM Mic Pre's x2
    -Tube-tech CL1B
    -Stam 2A (LA2A Style)
    -Stam 76ADG ( 1176 Style)
    -Warm Audio WA76(1176 Style)

  • Plug-in

    -Universal audio
    -IZotope RX 11

  • Instrument

    -Kawai Grand Piano
    -Tama Drum Set

  • Dynamic Microphone

    -Shure Sm7b
    -Shure Sm58Beta
    -Shure SM57 x4
    -Audio Technica AT510